Friday, April 30, 2010

Score!!! free wood

I'll admit it, I'm an addict. I need a twelve step program for craigslist.  Today I came across about five hundred square feet of old mill oak flooring for free.  The boards are anywhere from ten feet to two feet long three and a half inches wide and three quarters thick.  The only way to get the finish that's on the boards is a hundred years of history.  They aren't tongue and grove except for the ends which was hand done, so they are basically like one by fours. 
It's going to be a lot of work, but it will be worth it in the end.  I'm pulling the nails through to the back side with a pair of ten-r vice grips  It seems the be quicker and it leaves less damage on the finished side of the wood.  The more I work on it the more ideas I have for it.  First will be the work slash cutting table for the wife, but now I must get back to work. 

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