Friday, April 30, 2010
Score!!! free wood
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Shelves part two

I decided I wanted something different that just panted shelves for the work room, so I went the Mod Podge way. It was pretty easy you just paint it on, put what you want as the finish on, then paint it again. I wanted it to blend with the colors of the room so I went with a Reader's Digest for the outside. Then I took the old handles and sanded them down with 240 grit sand paper so the flat black paint would have something to stick to. Putting the handles back was pretty easy I just used the old holes and pop riveted them back on.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Quick fix 1
The bed cover is made out of some sort of abs plastic. Being plastic I decided just to try to reshape it with a grinder and an 80 grit flap disk. To my surprise it actually went pretty easy. I rounded up the broke side first then made the good side match. I have to say I like it better this way, it no longer has that pointy thing sticking out to try to grab you as you sneak past it in the garage. It's always nice to have a mistake improve things for you. Now,if I only had the time to wash it.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Shelves from anything

Well I'm needing a set of corner shelves for a work room in the house. With the economy being what it is I decided to hit be basement of holding instead of the local home improvement mega store. Deep in a long forgotten pile I came across these metal drawers. They look like some kind of 1970's library card catalog things.
Demo is first, then planning. The handles were riveted on so I ground the heads off the rivets, and they came right off. A quick once over with a palm sander with 240 grit sand paper prepped them for paint, or what ever else I come up with to finish them. My plan for mounting them is to drill holes in the side and back to run screws through. I'm thinking with about four or six screws they will be quite stable shelves.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Tools can matter

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Ready to roll, well almost..

After tacking the last supports up I decided to slap everything together and give her a quick test sit. To my surprise and relief it actually felt pretty good. When I was laying everything out I measured the inseam of my pants and made that the distance from the front of the seat to the petal at its most extended point. On the docket for tomorrow is cleaning and grinding the welds on the frame. I'm going to strip it back down to the frame to make it easier to handle. I'm scared that the clean up and prep for primer will take longer than anything so far, but hey it's just one more step in the journey.

Monday, April 19, 2010
Day two of the bike

I finished most of the moch up today. I'm only missing the support form the rear wheel. I started with what I'll call the spine support, the main tube from the top of the steering neck. I simply ran a piece of the conduit from the neck to a cross support I tacked in yesterday. I didn't cut the old supports off all the way I left about a half inch to act as a sleeve to weld the new support onto. The upright from the crank didn't line up exactly like I wanted to so I used a pair of vice grips and a wrench to pull them so I could tack it up. I know I'm not making something to cruse at sixty miles an hour but I still like having my stuff square.

I'm going for the long and lean look and I think I'm getting there. I still need to work on the supports for the rear. Right now I'm looking at cutting the old ones off and rerunning them to the mounting pipe for the seat. I'm thinking that will keep with the lines of the bike I have now.
That's all for today. On the list for tomorrow is finishing the rear supports and figuring out a way to make all of the gearing and brakes work.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Inspiration can burn

Today was one of those days where something just had to be built. As I was walking the so called "project pile" in the basement I came across a ten speed bike and some old conduit. With those bits, a Metabo and mig welder something may be born.
Truthfully I was in more of a hack and weld mood than a measuring one. So much so that I was actually working in my shorts and sandals. Welding splatter on the top of a foot in sandals reminds you you're being stupid real quick. Most of the time when I'm building something random like this I have a picture in my mind I work off of, no fancy drawing or the like. Most of the time things come out close to what I was wanting, but hey that's part of the adventure. With daylight burning I cut down the frame and extended out where the back wheel mounts. My current idea is an extended out almost recumbent style bike. I'm not sure how everything will go as of yet, but something will work out. Now for dinner, more cutting and welding tomorrow.